
We are a team scattered around the globe and decentralization is our cause. We are grateful to all supporters thus far. To help DEGO sustain and build better products, we have decided to accept donations and here is the address for incoming donations. The use of each donation will be made public on chain

  • ETH: 0x9Eb779Db80A0eA201EBa506b8708550B4BF633eF

  • BTC: 1Pv7yLWSsfj5FpJzornfaS9yhq3SBqbBVA

  • TRON: TGXvXcPZZofkkLYhE6hkXMTUj5cdKZYgp2

  • Polkadot: 13myyNpFTbmaDPh59EaBpQ4efodWk3GKKq5edK72dC9puFmH

  • Binance Smart Chain: 0x9Eb779Db80A0eA201EBa506b8708550B4BF633eF

Last updated

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